Friday, May 31, 2013

Magick by Intention: Dream Magick

Dream Magick is probably something we are working 
on every night, whether we realize it or not! The state of consciousness which is ideal for magick is very close to, if not the same sate of subconscious interconnection that we experience while asleep and dreaming. Dream state is a direct link to the Collective Unconsciousness where self and other are shown to be the false duality they really are. The challenge to the Practitioner is to be able to integrate the Conscious Will into the Dream landscape. Often known as lucid dreaming, this practice is the active participation in contrast with what is usually the inactive state where we receive our dreams and stories, messages sometimes psychic and prophetic in nature, through our dreams. Many a Practitioner has found satisfying exploration of this state of mind which occupies so much of our mortal lifetime.

The potions of dream work will enjoy the energies of Water and Moon almost exclusively. There should be a very relaxing, restful scent, which is nonetheless very memorable.

Bath Magick
Brews and Teas
Deity oils

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Magick by Intention: Creativity and Inspiration Magick

Creativity and Inspiration are ever sought by all of us as artists in Life. Whether we create by painting, giving birth, dancing, or serving on a civic board, most of this Life is in a state of sacred Change, and we are its agents. 

All elements are involved with creation by necessity! But the Practitioner is generally understood to have the Earth element to hand, and so most magicks of Creativity will bring the Air, Fire and Water into the endeavor. Air for ideas, Fire for the work to be done, and Water for the Well of Inspiration. Certain deities are allied with the spirit of creation, including Earth Mother goddesses like Gaia, and the Star Goddesses and Brigid of the Forge and Flame. Iris of the Rainbow especially is able to bring the elements of Air, Fire and Water together to create the palette for the Artist to create from.

Room Sprays
Deity oils
Spirit Guide Oils
Firefly oil
Pythia oil

Magick by Intention: Blessing and Sanctification

BLESSING, SANCTIFICATION, CHURCH AND TEMPLE MAGICK are done because we wish to live in a state of Oneness with the Divine. In this place of serenity and higher vibrations we are our best, our true selves, more receptive to the beneficence and communication of our Guardian Angels and Gods. 

We all have the power to bless and sanctify ourselves, other living beings, objects and our surroundings. Potions and tools will often partake of the energies of Water, Air, Stars, Angels, Deities, and the Crown Chakra. The Sun and the Moon are also helpful for blessings. The Faeries have been known to dispense a blessing or two as well!

Potions that have properties of sanctification will in general smell very sweet and pure. They should set your mind at ease and make everything harmonious.

Bath Magick
Mojo Kits
Miscellaneous Mojo
Deity oils
Spirit Guide Oils

Magick by Intention: Beauty Magick

Beauty Magick could really come under the Love and Attraction category, but that one is so huge, I thought to separate it out. The magick of Beauty is for a large part a synthesis of Healing, Happiness, and Sexual Attraction, with a bit of Glamour to boot! While we can't necessarily change the bone structure of our face, we can promote healthy skin with herbs. Much of my work with Beauty formulations is the intersection between herbs used magickally for Beauty, and those used in modern times for skin health, antioxidant, and cancer-fighting properties. For example, Calendula is used for Courtroom situations, to be seen in "the best light possible" and as a beauty magick flower. It also appears in many cosmetics and skin care formulae for its antioxidant, antimicrobial and healing properties.

Happiness also plays a big part in Beauty as well, so you will find things like Catnip, Lavender, Melissa and Neroli in these potions as well. Everyone is more beautiful with a relaxed smile on their face!

Bath Magick
Deity oils
Spirit Guide Oils

Magick by Intention: Banishing, Uncrossing and Exorcism Magick

Banishing and Exorcism magick, the need to get it gone! Any competent practitioner will find occasion to perform these operations from time to time. Banishing and exorcism are more powerful forms of purification and cleansing, used to rid ourselves of especially unwelcome "house guests" and malevolent energies, thoughtforms, spirits, even people. Sometimes we just need to exorcise our own bad attitudes as well. Banishing and Exorcism can be done by Force of Will alone, but it does help to have potions to help, because I don't know about you, but sometimes I can just tend to be too nice to do the job on my own. 

Almost all these formulations depend on the Elemental power of Fire and the Planetary power of Sun or warlike Mars. Most are made during the Waning or Dark Moon, and it is believed that the last quarter of the Moon is the most effective time for banishings. Almost all of them will also have a bad smell, or at least be off-putting. I remember having a conversation with a customer who was having trouble with a poltergeist. "I tried using some Jasmime oil, but it didn't seem to work," she bemoaned. "I don't think I would use Jasmine for banishing a poltergeist," I started. Another customer leaned into the conversation and said, "Girl you just told that spirit that you like it a lot and you hope it stays!"

Bath Magick
Room Sprays
Spell Kits
Miscellaneous Mojo

Magick by Intention: Astral Travel, Prophesy and Psychic Magick

Astral Travel, prophesy and Psychic Magick are similar workings. This sort of magick works on the premise that our consciousness is not limited to the perception of our flesh-and-blood bodies incarnate on Earth only, and that we are part of the Whole Being, One Knowing, or whatever we may call it according to culture or spiritual tradition. From the genesis sometimes called the Big Bang, and otherwise known as the Time Continuum, it is the understanding that we have access to knowledge of all Time and Space, since we are of course Children of Both.

Most of the operations to access information or energies beyond the mundane reality will involve some form of exercise of meditation, relaxation, trance or other altered state of consciousness. While there are many techniques and many style of training to do this, most teachers would agree that all of us have this ability, being born of the Source as we all are, and our achievement in these regards will be a function of Talent, Will, Instruction and/or Resource. In other words, if we lack Talent, we may avail ourselves of Will, Instruction and Resource. If we have Talent, our achievements will be benefited Instruction and Will, even if Resources are lacking. Or any other combination of Circumstance, so long as Will is available for the undertaking.

Here is what Natural Magick Shop can offer in the way of Resources for Astral Travel, Psychism and Prophesy Magick.

Bath Magick
Mojo Kits
Brews and Teas
Deity Oils
Spirit Guide Oils

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

FULL MOON MUSE Beltane 2013

Happy Full Moon! This month's Full Moon will illuminate the holiday Beltane. Beltane is one of the "cross-quarter days," a time in between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice, usually celebrated on May 1st or May Day. Beltane oil is a sweet, sensuous smell to celebrate the lush eroticism of the season, as well as to greet the waking Faery folk with a fragrance worth a merry dance or two. No more than three. Okay, we're dancing all night! Beltane incense would be the perfect scent to provide the atmosphere.

On or about May 1st, Beltane is one sexy holiday, a celebration of the erotic awakening of the Goddess and God, sometimes portrayed by participants as a Sacred Marriage between the May Queen and May King. We dance around the May Pole with ribbons, adorning a phallic symbol with our wishes and desires. This tradition was originally NOT a children’s game! Then there was the balefire jumping, where it was alleged that the flame that got up under the maidens’ skirts was what caused the pregnancy (obviously it was NOT what happened in the bushes around the bonfire after the rituals). In general, as we watch Wild Nature in the raptures of rutting, growing, and blooming, we are invited to celebrate with equally lusty and wild abandon. Music, often very bawdy songs, dancing, costuming, and oh, the mead!

Beltane is also the biggest worldwide celebration of human labor, and it is only in the U.S. that “Labor Day” is not celebrated on May 1st. All over Europe and South America, May Day is about workers marching in parades and socializing at picnics in solidarity with unions, organized labor, and the working class in general all over the globe. It is tempting to wonder if there are any historical connections between the Pagan holiday and the labor holiday.

The holidays of Beltane and Samhain are also connected to the stars, to wit, our most beloved Pleiadean cluster. The Pleiades are in the area of the Heavens ruled by Taurus, and we go into Taurus at Beltane. By some accounting, and according to most Celtic traditions, it is not the exact date May 1st or October 31st which determined the dates of Beltane and Samhain, but the dates where the Pleiades rise at dawn and sundown, respectively. So depending on which latitude you were in, the date would change accordingly. This helped link the Pleiades and Beltane to the agricultural cycle, and in MesoAmerican traditions the Pleiades strictly ruled the planting season as well.

The final Pagan association with Beltane that I will leave you with may also be related to Pleiadean myth. It is often said that the “bad Faeries” go underground at Beltane while the “good Faeries” come out to the surface of Earth to live. Then at Samhain they change places. So this is why the “Veil Between the Worlds” is said to be very thin at these two times of year, good for spirit contact, divinations, and journeys into the UnderWorld or OtherWorld. I have always found that these two holidays are very much linked across the Wheel of the Year. There is always something of Halloween in Beltane, something scary and death-dealing that contrasts with all the flesh and flowers, and conversely, there is always something of May Day in Samhain, a sexy sub theme to all of the death, ghosts, and monsters. So we could celebrate Beltane by welcoming the Bright Faeries who have awakened, and send the Dark Fae back to sleep with one last hoo-haw.

If you don’t have any Pagan kinsmen to celebrate Beltane with, just look to the secular celebrations that crowd the Events section of the local newspapers at this time of year. Because of the (hopefully) mild weather this time of year, there are all sorts of festivals and fundraisers planned for the weekends around May Day. You can probably find a delightfully Pagan theme within any of them, or create one by joining in the planning committee. I bet they’d love it if you offered to set up a May Pole “for the children,” hee hee.
Best Witches,

Cedar Stevens
Natural Magick Shop
\April 25, 2013