Friday, April 24, 2015

Magick by Type: Shamanism

SHAMANISM is a very broad and deep type of magick that spans the globe and all imaginable types of religious environments. Shamans are sometimes embedded within the dominant religious framework, or may work apart from it or even against it.

Regardless of the tradition, shamanistic techniques are similar. The shaman goes into a trance state that could be called astral projection, into the Unseen World to interact with spiritual beings there to either receive information, undergo teaching or initiations or undertake actions in the subtle realms that then are believed to affect change  in the consensual reality.

There are a number of tools in the shaman's medicine bag. Entheogenic plants such as mushrooms, peyote cactus, Ahahuasca, and alcohol are also well known "fast lanes" to shamanic experience.

Less perilous to mind and body of the shamanic practitioner are the use of rhythm, drums or rattles, in a really fast beat, to induce trance state, and the aid offered by Spirit Guides, variously interpreted to be ancestral spirits, mythical beings, faerie co-walkers, totem animal guides, or angel guardians. The use of mood-setting, set-altering incenses and oils will be well known to the Natural Magick Practitioner.

Short list: Astral Travel oil, Astral Travel incense, Astral Travel candles, Wizard Vision smoking blend, Witches Vision brew, Smudge sticks, Sweetgrass braids, most all of the Spirit Guide line

Astral Travel oil
Banishing oil
Dream oil
Meditation oil
Spirit Summons oil
Spirit oil

Astral Travel candles
Psychic candles
Spirit Summons candles

Astral Travel incense
Circle incense
Divination incense
Exorcism incense

Spirit incense

Wizard Vision smoking blend 

Bath Magick
Faerie bath herbs
Witch Power bath herbs 

Mojo Kits
Defense Against the Dark Arts mojo kit
Divine Guidance mojo kit
Faery Magick mojo kit
Major Mojo mojo kit 

Dittany of Crete  

Spirit Guide oils
(most of them)

Brews and Teas
Witches Vision Brew

Deity oils
Cernunnos oil