Sunday, September 6, 2015

Pets, Healing, Magick and Essential Oils

Although pet aromatherapy is not one of my expertises, (and quite arguably not a thing at all) I do have enough chemistry/biochemical understanding to approach the subject. My Natural Magick and products are primarily based on the spiritual medicine of plants and their essential oils. Essential oils are metabolized very differently (poorly to not at all) by carnivores, who have little evolutionary/liver enzymatic ability to process plant-origin essential oils.

 Us omnivores and herbivores have had a lot more evolutionary adaptation and experience dealing with these compounds, which in essence are natural pesticides to thwart herbivory. Others, the flower scents, are used to lure pollinators to flowers. Mainly these compounds are targeting insect herbivores and pollinators, but mammalian herbivores have had to contend with these phytochemicals for a long evolutionary time as well, to the point where they can be therapeutic to us in the proper careful dilutions. Since we have been eating plants for a significant part of our evolution, our livers have developed complex processes to deal with these poisons/medicines. While there are a very few exceptions to this major biological difference, I steer far away from any essential oil direct-contact products for cats, dogs, and other mainly carnivorous pets.

Our herbivorous pets, domesticated food and labor beasts, and wild herbivores and omnivores would need to be considered on species by species basis. For example, wild primates who take ill have been observed to leave the tribe and diet on plants not ordinary to the menu of their healthy kin.

All of the olfactory cues/medicines for carnivorous animals (and these usually work for omnivores and herbivores as well) are going to be animal scents, like pee, scent glands, and poop. A lot of pet stores are using these sorts of derivatives to train, adjust and comfort dogs and cats. These products are by nature much safer for carnivore pets than plant based products. How acceptable they smell to their human companions will be debatable! For example, the cat's mania for catnip. Cats are not reacting to the essential oils in catnip, which have a very beneficial healing and balancing affect on us humans, but to the water-soluble valerianic acid (same active ingredient as in Valerian root) which in concentrated form smell like really bad stinky socks. In fact, the powerful stinky pungency of valerianic acid IS the stinky smell of feet, and is the compound by which felines (and canines as well) track their prey. This is why dogs and cats often love our shoes and smelly feet! So if we project our response to catnip (relaxation and anti-depression) onto a cat, expecting them to have the same response, we have gotten it very wrong. Instead, we have activated the predator reaction!

That said, it may be that olfactory and non-contact experience of plant compounds could have magickal if not aromatherapy benefit to carnivorous pets, although not much peer-reviewed or even suggestive anecdotal data have been contributed to the discussion. This is an area where we really need to be conscientious of human tendency to project our interpretation of the world and preferences onto our animal companions, and to anthropomorphize their wants and needs. 

Peppermint and Pennyroyal are used to drive away pests, including rats and mice, so we should be very careful about what our caged pets are subjected to, since they can't escape the vicinity. Cats also hate almost all minty and citrus smells as well, and thymols, thujones and oreganols are also known to be very hazardous for dogs and cats. Pet's negative reactions must be respected unquestioningly to aromatherapy diffusers, natural herbal incense, herbal pillows, or being petted by their humans who are wearing a properly diluted essential oil blend (by which I do NOT mean get your hands all gobbed and oily with the stuff and petting the cat with greasy aromatherapy hands which the kitty will be obliged to groom away immediately and therefore subject his liver to some strange and poisonous plant compounds). In this way we as evolutionary omnivores have the opportunity to serve as mediums between our Green Allies and our carnivorous Animal Companions. But spiritually, not consumptively, okay?

Right now humans are undergoing a rapid plant-based aromatherapy exploration. We don't really know how much these compounds, and not to mention the varying qualities of the products, do to us, but many of us are enjoying the benefits dramatically. Well-meaning anthropomorphism might lead us to project our benefits onto our animal companions, but I recommend a very cautious and light-handed approach, because at best we might be wasting plant resources to no good effect, and at worst we might be taxing our animals' ability to process plant poisons.

copyright Cedar Stevens
September 2015

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


My dear Natural Magicians,
"Humpback alaska jumping" by Larry D. Moore.  
I am going on a vacation to Alaska! Place your orders now to get your stuff before I leave. Orders received by the end of Friday, July 31st, will be processed and shipped before I go, and then I will resume processing orders on August 22nd, in the order they are received. While you can still place orders Aug 1-21, I will not be able to ship them until I get back home. Thanks for your patience! I am very excited about this once in a lifetime opportunity!

I may well come back having made contact (at least visually) with animals that may then inform new formulations in the Spirit Guide line. Seal? Caribou? Moose? Whale? Elk? If any of you have been wanting a formulation that could bring your closer to a Spirit Guide animal that dwells in the northern climes, let me know and I will try to make this adventure a spiritual fact-finding pilgrimage as well.

In other news we are heading towards a Blue Moon on July 31st. It is a Friday so the circumstances could not be better for special petitions and Love magick! I will also be whipping up a lot of the long-awaited Blue Moon oil that day. I have marked it in-stock on the website so that you can order it before I go to Alaska. Remember, order by July 31st, or you'll have to wait for your shipment till I get back to Austin.
Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh (pronounced LUH-nu-sah or loo-Nah-sah)is celebrated on August 1st, 2nd or 3rd. I am offering a sale on Lammas oil and Lammas incense for your celebration. Order by July 28th to make sure you get it by August 1st.
Lughnasadh is most often celebrated as a first harvest holiday, focusing on harvest of grains. This is a “Cross-Quarter Day” midway between a Solstice and and Equinox. Lammas is a time of races, contests and games of physical skill. The landscape is a village harvest of the grain fields. This is a time of celebration (at least, if the harvest is successful and bountiful) and all the village is at work to get the harvest in. It is said that the contests begin with who can harvest the most grain. Then it was said that the laborers would leave the last sheaf of grain standing and the contestants would try to be the first to cut it down by throwing their harvesting sickles at it. The fields are now clear, and there is all this open space which is available. Footraces, horse races, team sports, all have an open arena. This becomes a sort of Pagan Olympics, and celebration of the vigor and strength of young adulthood.

For those less athletic, Lugh is also the patron of grain fermentation, so beer brewing and beer drinking are other ways to celebrate!

Another fascinating motif for this Sabbat is a confessional and atonement ritual. The aforementioned last sheaf, or a Corn Dolly, or a Corn Man (the first loaf baked from the freshly harvested grain) represented John Barleycorn, a god or hero who represented the sacrifice that the Grain God made for the community’s survival. He will be mourned and buried (sometimes burned/cremated) but there is an opportunity before he is committed to the final resting place. He is passed around to the participants (playing the old folk song "John Barleycorn Must Die" in the background of course) who can then whisper a confession, or some secret that John Barleycorn will take to the grave with him. They are thus absolved of guilt, and no other living being need know the offense.

Natural Magick Shop is on FaceBook!
Natural Magick Shop is on Twitter!
Natural Magick Shop has a blog!

Best Witches,
Cedar Stevens
Natural Magick Shop
July 21, 2015

"Humpback alaska jumping" by Larry D. Moore. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -

Monday, May 18, 2015

NEW MOON NEWS from Natural Magick Shop WITH REBATES!

My dear Natural Magicians,
The Spring is a very productive time, for Nature and also for Natural Magick Shop! This New Moon News will be about creativity and REBATE DISCOUNTS! But first!

Natural Magick Shop is applying for a small business grant though Mission Main Street, and I need your help! Please vote for NMS; I need 250 votes by June 19th in order to qualify. You will need to be on FaceBook in order to vote. 

Many folks may think Natural Magick Shop is wildly successful because it's been around so long, and is just so cool, but really it is a hand-to-mouth operation, and I struggle to keep it going. Thanks for your help, and your orders!

This leads me to ask, dear friends, what new directions would you like to see Natural Magick Shop go? What would bring YOU to shop here more? Video instruction, books, and Tarot decks? Other manufacturer's products like ritual jewelry and altar supplies? More raw materials for DIY potioning? I have to grow to thrive, and my growth has always been an alchemy my ideas and YOUR creative inspiration. So let me have it! You are my most highly regarded Muse!

Which leads me back to the Spring and creativity and inspiration!

As some of you know, I grow a lot of herbs for Natural Magick Shop. April and May are when I do much of the harvest, for Melissa, Spearmint, Mullein, the rare Dittany of Crete, Wild Lettuce, Sage, Lavender flowers and Cinquefoil. There are just some things that I can grow quite well here in central Texas, and the quality of my home-grown is often much higher than I can get from my wholesalers. There are also plant products I wildcraft, like the flowers of Huisache, my wild Acacia tree. It does take more time and labor of course, and successful harvest is not guaranteed. Right now I am watching a huge crop of Dittany of Crete in danger of mildewing before I can harvest, because our Spring has been uncharacteristically wet and rainy. Last year was a drought year and there was a total crop failure of Huisache. I had to change the recipe of Psychic Phenomenon Dream Pillow accordingly. This year I had a bumper crop of Huisache flowers, but as you see, Natural Magick has to change and adapt to survive both changes of climate and changes of economy. Risk is a part of every venture. And as they say, necessity is the Mother of Invention!

You folks, as I said are my Muses, and every time one of you requests a new devotional oil, it takes me on a creative journey of study and invention. For example, a cluster of devotees to the Greek pantheon who live in Arizona have been my Muses this year, leading me to develop or finish my Deity oils for Hades, Ares, Hebe, and Pythia this year. Hestia was the request of an Austin local witch last year. So as I go deeper into the well of the Western Tradition, the creative Muse comes forth! Other potions for the Muse can be found in my blog article on magick of Creativity.

Okay here is the discount REBATE DEAL!: Place an order of $50 or more that includes even just one of these new Greek potions or anything from the Creativity article, and you get a rebate of $5.00! (You already get free stuff for orders of $30 or more but now you get a rebate as well!) Just place the order and I will refund you $5, which you may spend in any creative endeavor of your choice. This offer is good for the rest of the month of May.

Natural Magick Shop is on FaceBook!
Natural Magick Shop is on Twitter!
Natural Magick Shop has a blog!

Best Witches,
Cedar Stevens
Natural Magick Shop
May 18, 2015

Friday, April 24, 2015

Magick by Type: Shamanism

SHAMANISM is a very broad and deep type of magick that spans the globe and all imaginable types of religious environments. Shamans are sometimes embedded within the dominant religious framework, or may work apart from it or even against it.

Regardless of the tradition, shamanistic techniques are similar. The shaman goes into a trance state that could be called astral projection, into the Unseen World to interact with spiritual beings there to either receive information, undergo teaching or initiations or undertake actions in the subtle realms that then are believed to affect change  in the consensual reality.

There are a number of tools in the shaman's medicine bag. Entheogenic plants such as mushrooms, peyote cactus, Ahahuasca, and alcohol are also well known "fast lanes" to shamanic experience.

Less perilous to mind and body of the shamanic practitioner are the use of rhythm, drums or rattles, in a really fast beat, to induce trance state, and the aid offered by Spirit Guides, variously interpreted to be ancestral spirits, mythical beings, faerie co-walkers, totem animal guides, or angel guardians. The use of mood-setting, set-altering incenses and oils will be well known to the Natural Magick Practitioner.

Short list: Astral Travel oil, Astral Travel incense, Astral Travel candles, Wizard Vision smoking blend, Witches Vision brew, Smudge sticks, Sweetgrass braids, most all of the Spirit Guide line

Astral Travel oil
Banishing oil
Dream oil
Meditation oil
Spirit Summons oil
Spirit oil

Astral Travel candles
Psychic candles
Spirit Summons candles

Astral Travel incense
Circle incense
Divination incense
Exorcism incense

Spirit incense

Wizard Vision smoking blend 

Bath Magick
Faerie bath herbs
Witch Power bath herbs 

Mojo Kits
Defense Against the Dark Arts mojo kit
Divine Guidance mojo kit
Faery Magick mojo kit
Major Mojo mojo kit 

Dittany of Crete  

Spirit Guide oils
(most of them)

Brews and Teas
Witches Vision Brew

Deity oils
Cernunnos oil