Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Welcome to Natural Magick Shop!

My name is Cedar Stevens and I have been a practicing witch and potioneer for over thirteen years. For thirty years I have been an avid botanist, herbalist, and gardener. I combine these sets of expertise with my naturally excellent sense of smell to bring you high quality potions produced under the most exacting protocols for Natural Magick Shop.

Under the Natural Magick (TM) process, I don’t fudge or skimp. Here are the guarantees that go into my ritually crafted goods:

*Timing of production according to both the best Moon phase and day of the week,
*Elemental associations rule even which direction I face while making a potion,
*Extensive knowledge of correspondences and Doctrine of Signatures,
*Deosil or Widdershins? Banishing and exorcism related potions are stirred or ground counterclockwise, everything else is made deosil,
*Knowledge of ingredients, their botany, Latin names, origins as well as traditional magickal uses,
*Knowledge of traditional herbal and aromatherapy uses. This allows me to choose ingredients that are both therapeutically and magickally appropriate AND smell good!
*Ritual hygiene. I use magickal shielding to keep my energies out of YOUR product!

Here is my complete manifesto on the Natural Magick process.

I hope you enjoy my products as I enjoy creating them. Let me know if you are looking for a formulation that does not appear here. Almost half of these products were created at customer request or inspiration!

An It Harm None, may these potions well work thy Will.

-…for my Law is Love unto all beings.


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