Friday, March 20, 2015

NEW MOON NEWS from Natural Magick Shop WITH DISCOUNTS!

My dear Natural Magicians, Happy Spring Equinox!

What a lovely occasion it is when the Vernal Equinox falls on the New Moon. It is an extra-special time for fresh starts! 

I will definitely be using the rest of today and the upcoming week for some Spring cleaning. I have discounted a number of my products that might help you do the same! Follow any link below to buy at the discounted prices for the first week of Spring!
Before I get going on that cluttered desk, I will start up with one of the Fresh Start candles. These are infused with the same essential oil blend I use in the New Moon magick oil and New Moon candles. The only difference is in the manufacture timing. The New Moon products are made on the evening of the New Moon (tonight) and the Fresh Start is made on the Wednesday or Sunday immediately following the New Moon, to add the Planetary signatures. I thought the Fresh Start labels might be more appealing to, hmm, less witchy practitioners. Does anybody think I should add a Fresh Start oil to the magick oils for the same reason?

For Spring cleaning purposes, the lemony-fresh scent of Van Van formulations are hard to beat. This traditional blend is so useful that I incorporate it into three forms of product: Van Van oil for direct anointing, Van Van candles for providing a blessing and renewing ambiance or for candle magick workings, Van Van floor wash for getting down into the baseboards, and Van Van room spray for a blast of freshness. ALL DISCOUNTED FOR THE FIRST WEEK OF SPRING!
Once I clear off that desk and get everything filed, mailed and sorted, I will decide if I want to use Altar oil or Blessing oil to wipe it clean, and clear away the stale chi my procrastinations have caused. If you think about it, many of us spend so much time at our desks, that this most functional and mundane piece of furniture becomes infused with our attention and altar! If I treat my desk as an altar, everything that issues from it becomes transformed from burden to blessing! 

By the time you get this, it might be too late to incorporate Ostara oil or Ostara incense to your Equinox observation, but I'm offering the same discount, since they are just all around nice scents for Spring and also, Ostara blends would also be appropriate for any Easter celebration. I'd be happy to label them "Easter oil" or Easter incense" for you, just make a note on your order. 

Happy Spring everyone! 
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Best Witches,
Cedar Stevens
Natural Magick Shop
March 20, 2015

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