Monday, July 28, 2014

NEW MOON NEWS with COUPONS! from Natural Magick Shop

My Dearest Natural Magicians,
We are approaching the Sabbat of Lughnasadh (Bless the Gaelic language, I've heard it pronounced loo-NAH-sah and LUN-ah-sah, but I'm sure someone would correct me!) which is a feast day of the Celtic sun god Lugh, and a celebration of the First Harvest of grains. After the harvest, Lughnasadh observances progressed into footraces and other athletic competitions. Fine, if you are in Ireland, but here in central Texas the heat of summer is in full force. You won't find most modern NeoPagans here working in the fields or challenging each other to arm wrestle in the sun to honor Lugh! Translation of the traditions of one culture into a different climate involves some creativity. For me, it has been a good time of year to stay inside (except for trips to the pool!) and work on...a whole'nuther website!

Its called Storenvy, and while it will never have the personality of the main Natural Magick Shop website, it offers a few features that I hope y'all will take advantage of!

1) COUPONS!!! To celebrate the launch of this shop, I am offering a "Games of Lugh" 15% off coupon! All you have to do is type in LUGH in the "Apply discount code" field, which is in the checkout.

2) Storenvy launches directly from my FaceBook page. So if you are on the Natural Magick Shop FaceBook Page to tell me nice things about my products ;) you can click "Store" from the top bar and get right into my Storenvy shop.

3) Organization!!! On the Storenvy Natural Magick Shop , I have the potions organized in "collections" according to intention of use. All of the Love potions in one place! Looking for a job? On the "Money, Employment and Prosperity" page you can find all the stuff you looking for. Now this is a longer-term goal for the Natural Magick Shop that me and my WebWizard will get around to eventually, but I was able to do it all by my ownself on the Storenvy site.

I for sure have not added all 300+ Natural Magick Shop products to the Storenvy site. But! you can make me work for these sales. If you don't find one of my potions on the Storenvy site, just send me an email and I will add it for you just as fast as I can sprint to my computer!
So come celebrate Lughnasadh with me on Storenvy and play Games of Lugh and collect your 15% discount as your trophy! It will be good through August 3nd, since Lughnasadh is celebrated on August 1st, 2nd, and/or 3rd.
Best Witches,
Cedar Stevens
Natural Magick Shop
July 27, 2014

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