Friday, August 31, 2012

Happy Blue Moon!

What is a Blue Moon? The most current use of the term defines it as the second of two full moons that occur within a calendar month, and seems to have cropped up no earlier than the 1980's.

Another older definition has to do with the Christian Ecclesiastical Calendar, which purportedly defines the 3rd Full Moon in a season that has four Full Moons to be the Blue Moon. This seems to just be an attempt to disregard a Full Moon in order to keep dates straight in the twelve-month calendar.

Modern pagan correspondences and interpretations proceed from there. The main literary interpretation is: unusual. It doesn't happen very often: once in a Blue Moon.

It is a Full Moon in any case and therefore a time of maximum power and fulfillment.

The Blue Moon as previously defined is a wholly human construct and therefore is a human-use holiday entirely for human systems, not natural ones.

The rarity of the event suggests that it be used for magic of an unusual, special-request nature.

The color Blue has certain associations: Peace, Healing, Truth, and Throat Chakra.

Therefore, I channel and organize the Blue Moon phenomena to be a time of power for the speaking of Truth, the articulation of Magic for the purpose of Peace, Healing, Truth, Petitions and Special Requests.

In honor of the Blue Moon of August 31st, 2012, tonight I stayed up all night and created Blue Moon Oil. Blue Moon oil is made...once in a Blue Moon! If you love the Full Moon oil, it is the same recipe (since the Blue Moon is a Full Moon) with nine drops of a special magical blue ingredient. Blue Moon magick is a magickal concept still in the development phase, but I use it for Special Requests and Wishes on the night of a Blue Moon. Since the next Blue Moon event is not until 2015, I have captured this one in a few bottles. You could pull it out if you have an unusual request in between now and then.

Blue Moon oil is dedicated to the memory of Neil Armstrong. Truly the Man in the Moon!

Illustration yoinked from The Secret Society of Happy People. How is it I have not met them? Oh, yeah I meet 'em all the time!

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