dear Natural Magicians,
The Spring is a very productive time, for Nature and also for Natural Magick Shop! This New Moon News will be about creativity and REBATE DISCOUNTS! But first!
The Spring is a very productive time, for Nature and also for Natural Magick Shop! This New Moon News will be about creativity and REBATE DISCOUNTS! But first!
Natural Magick Shop is applying for
a small business grant though Mission Main Street, and I need your help! Please vote for NMS; I need 250 votes by June
19th in order to qualify. You will need to be on FaceBook in order to vote.
Many folks may think Natural Magick Shop is wildly successful because it's been
around so long, and is just so cool, but really it is a hand-to-mouth
operation, and I struggle to keep it going. Thanks for your help, and your
This leads me to ask, dear friends, what new directions would you like to see Natural
Magick Shop go? What would bring YOU to shop here more? Video
instruction, books, and Tarot decks? Other manufacturer's products like ritual
jewelry and altar supplies? More raw materials for DIY potioning? I have to
grow to thrive, and my growth has always been an alchemy my ideas and YOUR
creative inspiration. So let me have it! You are my
most highly regarded Muse!
Which leads me back to the Spring
and creativity and inspiration!
As some of you know, I grow a lot of herbs for Natural Magick Shop.
April and May are when I do much of the harvest, for Melissa, Spearmint,
Mullein, the rare Dittany of Crete, Wild Lettuce, Sage, Lavender flowers and
Cinquefoil. There are just some things that I can grow quite well here in
central Texas, and the quality of my home-grown is often much higher than I can
get from my wholesalers. There are also plant products I wildcraft, like the
flowers of Huisache, my wild Acacia tree. It does take more time and labor of
course, and successful harvest is not guaranteed. Right now I am watching a
huge crop of Dittany of Crete in danger of mildewing before I can harvest,
because our Spring has been uncharacteristically wet and rainy. Last year was a
drought year and there was a total crop failure of Huisache. I had to change
the recipe of Psychic Phenomenon Dream Pillow
accordingly. This year I had a bumper crop of Huisache flowers, but as you see,
Natural Magick has to change and adapt to survive both changes of climate and
changes of economy. Risk is a part of every venture. And as they say, necessity
is the Mother of Invention!
You folks, as I said are my Muses,
and every time one of you requests a new devotional oil, it takes me on a
creative journey of study and invention. For example, a cluster of devotees to
the Greek pantheon who live in Arizona have been my Muses this year, leading me
to develop or finish my Deity oils for Hades, Ares, Hebe, and Pythia this year. Hestia was the request of an Austin local witch
last year. So as I go deeper into the well of the Western Tradition, the
creative Muse comes forth! Other potions for the Muse can be found in my blog article on magick of Creativity.
Okay here is
the discount REBATE DEAL!: Place an order of $50 or more that includes
even just one of these new Greek potions or anything from the Creativity
article, and you get a rebate of $5.00! (You already get free stuff for orders
of $30 or more but now you get a rebate as well!) Just place the order and I
will refund you $5, which you may spend in any creative endeavor of your
choice. This offer is good for the rest of the month of May.
Natural Magick Shop is on FaceBook!
Natural Magick Shop is on Twitter!
Natural Magick Shop has a blog!
Natural Magick Shop is on Twitter!
Natural Magick Shop has a blog!
Best Witches,
Cedar Stevens
Natural Magick Shop
May 18, 2015
Cedar Stevens
Natural Magick Shop
May 18, 2015